Discover cool new things every freakin’ week

On Sunday nights, get five delightful things you probably haven’t seen before ranging from apps to gear to culture. Become the King/Queen of good recommendations in your friend group. It takes 2-3 minutes to read, and is completely free!

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What people say

“For someone who regularly reads Reddit, the Verge and other tech blogs, it's legitimately impressive how much useful info and cool gadgets are in this weekly update. Things I never would have found on my own!” - CB

Who is Hiro?

The Curator

Hi there! I'm Hiro-- a super fortunate husband, dad of two young kiddos. I'm an unabashed Apple nerd, former semi-pro photographer, and fitness/mindfulness junky. I enjoy comic books, retro video games, studying history and ancient religions, and getting outdoors when it's not too hot in our hometown of Austin, TX. I'm also cursed with an incessant need to find the next cool app, the perfect addition to my everyday carry, or the right combination of fancy pen and paper that will make my note-taking experience complete. I love hearing from readers, so please reach out anytime!

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